Austin Roeshink

Austin Roeshink – Chief Technology Officer – Skup
Hola chicos! I’m Austin Roeshink, the slightly nerdier partner here at Skup
I hold it down alongside Devin Zander and Clayton Johnson here, in St. Petersburg Florida.
If you don’t spot me on a webinar or live call, I’m probably eating, working out, coding, traveling, or just relaxing with my wife and homies.
Prior to Skup, I led a career in the corporate environment, doing software engineering. I actually left such a position at American Express to be 100% committed to Skup because it was a no-brainer; I was able to surround myself with folks that challenged me to be better, work smarter, be more intentional with my choices and have a greater, more positive impact on people. I have learned a valuable lesson since making that transformative step in my life: BE COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE! If we’re not growing, we’re dying.
People tell me I am over-analytical and I agree. While that’s seen as a flaw sometimes, it has been a great advantage in a lot of aspects of my life, including delivering quality for our Skup community – we take pride in our work.
I believe Skup stands out from the crowd because of the culture and team we have built and continue to grow. While some people may prefer to do everything themselves, we welcome specialists and subject matter experts. This resonates with a favorite quote of mine (paraphrased): “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Our goal is to positively impact as many people’s lives as possible.