
Quality Trumps Quantity – The Truth About Why You’re Struggling To Make Sales.

Devin Zander 7 years and 8 months ago
Quality Trumps Quantity – The Truth About Why You’re Struggling To Make Sales.
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Look you’re trying to build a life long business right? One that can supplement your family and yourself for years to come… Hell, maybe you’ll sell it off for big bucks in the future!

Yet… You’re finding 30 products in the span of 5 minutes and just tossing them onto your store!

You didn’t put any thought into it?!

That’s not how million dollar businesses are built

Quality will always trump quantity (most of the time okay, not ALWAYS… Sometimes I’d rather have 5 slices of mediocre pizza than one slice of the grade A stuff just because I’m hungry!)

That being said, let this video explain to you why you need to focus on quality

And as always, comment below and let us know what you think!