Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization Ads (CBO) A $188,076.00 Case Study
Devin Zander 5 years and 17 days ago
10 min read
If you use Facebook as a marketing platform, you must know about campaign budget optimization. If you don’t, then it’s best to familiarize yourself with it now. Campaign budget optimization is the future of Facebook advertising; what you know now about running ads on Facebook will be irrelevant in the coming months. You’re going to…
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Taking the leap to start your own business is usually the hardest obstacle to overcome during your entrepreneurial career. Uncertainties and doubts cloud your judgment and stop you from reaching your potential. It’s a terrifying decision, especially if you don’t have much to fall back on. This week’s SKUP Spotlight, Cody, is all too familiar…
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5 years and 4 months ago
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"Keeping It Simple" the shortcut to 10K
Insider knowledge that will get you to where you need to go with your store.
In June of 2018, Jennifer reached out to me for the first time. She asked if I could check her store to make sure it was optimized for sales. She was creating her first Facebook ad and wanted to make sure her store was ready for traffic. Flash forward 3 months and a few messages…
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5 years and 6 months ago
Focus and perseverance are two traits that should never lack in an entrepreneur, and this month’s SMART Spotlight, Brendon Archuleta, proves how essential those two traits are. Brendon started his entrepreneurial journey back in September 2018. In the 10 short months that he’s run his Shopify store, Brendon has already experienced the tumultuous highs and…
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5 years and 6 months ago
Impressive is only a lackluster term I would use to describe Terrell Gray, a SMART Apps student, customer, and soon-to-be 18-year-old entrepreneur. Tenacious, driven, and inspiring are words worthier of characterizing him. At the young age of 17, Terrell made a decision that most adults don’t even dare to muster up – Terrell decided to…
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5 years and 9 months ago
  Joe takes the cake for this weeks #MotivationMonday! Our friend, and SMART user, Joe, was able to put his blinders on and seriously focus on taking his dropshipping business to the next level. After keeping a stagnant monthly revenue of $30K (which is still amazing), Joe discovered that sticking to the SMART plan would…
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5 years and 11 months ago
A huge congratulations goes out to Michael for this weeks #MotivationMonday! Michael and his wife were moving between states while his wife pursued her Ph.D. As you could imagine it was hard for Michael to secure a job and support him and his wife while she pursued her dreams. After hopping around between two states…
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5 years and 11 months ago
SMART customer, Austin, holds the seat for this week’s #MotivationMonday! Like so many of us, Austin was taking aimless shots at eCommerce for about a year that yielded little return. Anxieties due to the thought of possibly failing held him back from his highest potential. Austin then started using techniques he learned from his friends…
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5 years and 11 months ago